Top 10 Softwares Easter Eggs

Esse é um top 10 de ‘códigos escondidos’ encontrados em programas famosos… um simulador de vôo no Google Earth, tetris no uTorrent, Space Invanders no OppenOffice…

Postei o texto original em inglês, muita coisa pra traduzir, se tiver algumas dúvida, é só perguntar =]

10. Firefox Book of Mozilla Easter Egg

bookomozilla.pngHow to find it: In all versions of Firefox, in the address bar, type about:mozilla.
What you get: A quote from the “Book of Mozilla” about the birth of Firefox.

9. Internet Explorer 6/7 credits

How to find it: Using Internet Explorer 7 (not IE6 or the IE8 beta), type"TheWCEE";location.href="res://shdoclc.dll/wcee.htm" into the address bar.
What you get: A hidden page of IE developer credits.

8. Firefox Kitchen Sink

How to find it: In Firefox 2 and higher, type about kitchensink (no colon in there, unlike about:mozilla!). Correction: Looks like this one only works in the Firefox 3 beta. Apologies! Update: A commenter points out that this is Google’s “I’m Feeling Lucky” search in action, not an Easter egg at all. Our bad!
What you get: An automatic redirect to an animated, ASCII art kitchen sink.

7. Google Earth 4.2 Flight Simulator

gearthflightsim.PNGHow to find it: Launch the latest version 4.2 of Google Earth (free download) and hit Ctrl+Alt+A (Mac users: Cmd+Opt+A.)
What you get: A full-on flight simulator that lets you choose an airport, plane type, and lets you fly inside Google Earth. It is fun but it’s not easy; here’s more on how to navigate in flight in Google Earth.

6. Calc Tic-Tac-Toe and Space Invaders Games (also works in NeoOffice on the Mac!)

How to find it: Using’s Calc spreadsheet program, type =GAME(A2:C4;"TicTacToe") into any cell.
What you get: A game of Tic-Tac-Toe! For Space Invaders, type =GAME("StarWars"). Here are more Easter eggs.

5. Emacs on Mac OS X Therapist

How to find it: In the Mac Terminal (or at any command line), type emacs, hit Enter, press Escape, type “xdoctor” (no quotes).
What you get: An interactive dialogue with a shrink named Eliza. To get out of it, hit Control+X Control+C.

4. Minesweeper Reveal Mines Cheat

(Note: Technically, this is more a cheat than an egg.)
How to find it: In Minesweeper, type “xyzzy.” Then press Shift+Enter.
What you get: A single pixel on the upper-left hand corner of your monitor will turn black when you mouse over a block that contains a mine. Get the high score on the family computer! (Note: several people report that this cheat works on Windows XP with SP2, but those with widescreen monitors like myself might have trouble. Let us know if it works for you in the comments.)

3. Excel 97 Flight Simulator

How to find it: This one’s an oldie but a goodie. Using Excel 97 (doesn’t work in later versions), create a new worksheet, and press F5. Type “X97:L97” and press Enter. Press the Tab key, hold down Ctrl and Shift, and left-click the Chart Wizard toolbar icon. What you get: Launched into a nifty flight simulator that glides you over the surface of a planet (the moon?) and shows you Excel developer credits. (I don’t have a copy of Excel 97 any more, but definitely got this puppy to work back in the day.) Thanks to EggHeaven for reminding us of the steps to get there.

2. Picasa Teddy Bears

picasabears.jpgHow to find it: In Picasa, press Ctrl+Shift+Y.
What you get: Your photo library taken over by teddy bears! Keep hitting the key combo to add more bears. [via PC World]

1. uTorrent Tetris

utorrenttetris.pngHow to find it: In uTorrent, go to the Help menu and choose “About uTorrent.” Press the letter T.
What you get: A game of Tetris while you wait for your download to complete. Thanks, computer joe!
Thanks to EggHeaven for tipping us off to many of these eggs. What are your favorite software Easter eggs this holiday? Let us know in the comments.

[Via Lifehacker]

Ps: tinha um top 10 de estar eggs em games, mas a página insiste em dar erro ¬¬

Edit: pra não ficar sem postar nada sobre easter eggs em games, veja esse de Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Só lembro de ler que era em cima de alguma ponte… =p

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